Letters to My Kids

Everything is Happening

After four years of infertility and not seeking treatment of any kind, here we are in the middle of our first round of fertility intervention. In two hours I will be looking at an ultrasound to see if if that egg, that very specific half of your DNA, Child, is ready to have it’s ovulation timed perfectly. I pray this month is it. That this cycle is the one in which God has your very being planned and knitted together.

The emotions are incredible. It’s hard to believe that we’re at this point, finally. That this could be it!  But then the fears set in, the doubts and questions, and wanting to protect myself from devastation. We are anxious. We are excited.

And I’m on hormone pills the weekend we make this announcement to our congregation. 

To our dear friends from Albion FMC,

Sometimes life hands us big choices, and we know that we’ll never be the same afterward. One of those big choices was given to Mel and I in the last month, and I have decided to accept an appointment as Senior Pastor to a church in the Southern Michigan Conference of the Free Methodist Church.

We are very sad that this means that we must leave you all. Our time spent with you in ministry over the last three years has had a huge impact on our lives, and we owe you all so much. Your support of us and your generosity has been incredible, and we want to thank you.

We will be starting at my new appointment on Sunday, June 29, but will likely be moving to Michigan the week of June 16. Until then, we will continue serving here alongside all of you here at AFMC.

I still remember the day we moved in. There was a banner across the front of our newly-rented house that welcomed us to our new home and a huge group of you were ready to carry everything in. I still remember the look on your faces when you found out there really was a piano in the front of the moving truck!

Since that day, we have shared our lives together. Either through meals shared, congregational worship, or working together on service in the community, you here at AMFC have done so much to help us grow in ministry and you’ve earned a permanent place in our hearts. Thank you.

Kevin and Melanie Eccles

Sunday was certainly emotionally charged and by the end of it I was completely drained. It was a beautiful day, filled with memorable conversations and lots of tears- some happy and some sad. All of that was completely expected. I just think it’s ironic that THIS was the weekend I was on Clomid.

More on the big move to Michigan later. For now, my heart is set on you, my Child. Come quickly.


2 thoughts on “Everything is Happening

  1. Pingback: Where To? | Kevin & Melanie

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